This device works wonderfully! I have over 1500 games across dozens of platforms, and this device was the trick! I was able to backup my entire game collection and preserve all my save data from when I was a child. I am amazed that many of the games even still had my save data still on them after all these years. I love this little gadget! It's made so simple that even someone who isn't super tech savy like me can navigate it with ease!
The device served my needs and had no problem running from a Nintendo Switch power adapter.
Very pleased with the Save the Hero Open Source Cartridge Reader V3-Alter build service. Everything was well put together and worked perfectly. Was able to immediately back up hundreds of SNES, NES, Famicom, Super Famicom and Genesis cartridges. A few of the car
This thing is surprisingly sturdy and well-built, even though it’s quite basic. It’s still a really nice product that’s worth more than $100. The blue color is gorgeous, and the gold spacer with the walnut wood back is really cool. It’s customizable, which is a plus. Overall, it’s not bad.
I've been wanting to create back-ups of all of my treasured cartridge-based video games, yet don't have the skill or resources to rig something like this for myself. So when the V3-ALTER build was on sale, I leapt at the chance to order one for myself.
The ordering process through the website was quick and easy with no other strings attached, and barring a slight delay from FedEx still arrived when projected.
Having thoroughly read all of the necessary instructions online (watching a few step-by-step tutorial videos for good measure) and carefully removed the device from its packaging upon arrival, I was then successfully able to dump the ROM and save data for all 40+ of my SNES, Genesis, N64, GB, and GBA games in only a few hours.
So long as you are willing to handle it gently and fully understand how the tech works, I highly recommend this build! A must-have device for game collectors wanting to preserve their software and save files.
液晶にGB SFC GBA など各種表示されるので、読み込ませたいソフトに合わせてとても簡単に作業を進めることができます。
With the walnut base and green PCB, it looks as "period correct" as the carts it can read/write. Came assembled, carefully packaged, and worked great right out of the box!